As we head into the 21st century, wireless communications are becoming a household name. Currently there are over 60 million cell phone subscribers in the world. It is not the cost of the cell phone device that counts but the cost of using it .as a result, the cellular phone infrastructure is being optimized to allow calls to be placed as inexpensively and reliably as possible. Today more than ever, cellular companies are looking for ways to bring down the cal cost to achieve even higher market penetration, especially in metropolitan areas.

Cell phones are available with an incredible array of functions. Depending on the cell phone model, you can store contact information, make task or to-do lists, keep track of appointments and set remainders, use the built calculator for simple math, send or receive email, get information (news, entertainment, stock quotes) from the internet, play simple games, and integrate other devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA), mp3 players, and GPS receivers.

We are going to explore the advent of analog cellular, security flaws and fixes, as well as the dawning of a new age with the proliferation of digital cellular technology.

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