The world of commerce relies on highly available information systems to run and manage core business operations such as data warehousing, online transaction processing, and decision support system solutions. Likewise, the worlds of science and engineering also rely on high-performance computing to provide solutions and solve problems,. No matter how fast or available today’s computers are, tomorrow’s applications will invariably demand more. A stage has been reached where stand-alone computers can no longer provide the required levels of availability and reliability. Today’s challenge involves not just providing high availability and optimal performance, but doing so flexibly and inexpensively. Clustering Technology should prove to be a possible solution to address a broad range of system availability and performance requirements.

A Cluster is a parallel or distributed system consisting of independent computers that cooperate as a single system. Generally speaking, clusters offer a way to utilize computer resources more productively in comparison to when the same number of machines in working standalone – the total result is greater than the sum of the separate parts. Clustering Technology aims at providing continuous high availability of resources despite processor and communication failures.

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