MIDI is an acronym that stands for musical instrument digital interface. It is means for instruments to communicate to each other and or computers. MIDI can do many things one of the most popular things is sequencing. A sequencer is any hardware or software that allows recording music into memory. We can do things with good sequences that we can’t do even with the most expensive multi-track tape recorders, such as transposing without changing tempo and sound quality. Likewise we can large the tempo without affecting these patch or sound quality. MIDI can allow creating ensembles using two or more instruments and/or computers with many of today’s computers, wee can download songs and play them in our computer internally using a “MIDI Player” if we don’t like the downloaded MIDI song completely we can edit to our liking with a sequencer. MIDI will allow playing an instrument that normally would not know how to play. For example, a MIDI guitar will allow a guitar player to enjoy the sound of other instruments, such as a piano it can be as blessing for people who either have only one band or can only process one hand at a time.

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