The growth of high speed computer networks has explored means of new business, scientific, entertainment, and social opportunities. Digital media offer several distinct advantages over analog media, such as high quality, easy editing, high fidelity copying. The ease by which digital information can be duplicated and distributed has led to the need for effective copyright protection tools. Various software products have been recently introduced in attempt to address these growing concerns. It is done by hiding data within digital audio, images and video files. One way such data hiding is copyright label or digital watermark that completely characterizes the person who applies it and, therefore, marks it as being his intellectual property. Digital Watermarking is the process that embeds data called a watermark into a multimedia object such that watermark can be detected or extracted later to make an assertion about the object. Watermarking is either visible or invisible. Although visible and invisible are visual terms watermarking is not limited to images, it can also be used to protect other types of multimedia object.

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