Extensible Firmware Interface

A BIOS Alternative There has been rapid evolution of the personal computer platform since the 1980s. But there is one element of the PC that has not changed for the past years, namely the BIOS (basic input/output system). Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) is the name for a system developed by Intel that is designed to replace the aging BIOS system used by personal computers. It is responsible for the power-on self-test (POST) process, bootstrapping the operating system, and providing an interface between the operating system and the physical hardware. The Intel Platform Innovation Framework for the Extensible Firmware Interface (referred to as \"the Framework\") is Intel\'s recommended implementation of the EFI Specification for platforms based on all members of the IntelĂ‚® Architecture (IA) family. It offers an opportunity to provide an alternative to BIOS that will allow for faster booting, manageability, and additional features.

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